クリエイターサポートプログラム 利用申請フォームCreator Support Program Application Form

以下の項目に入力の上、申請をお願いいたします。Please fill in the following fields to submit your application.

申請内容Application Information

Email Address*Required


Re-enter your email address to confirm.*Required

お手数ですが、コピーせずにご入力ください。Please type in your email address.

Your YouTube channel URL*Required

Reason for Application*Required

(YPP ※詳細:https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/72851)への参加が必要になります。必須
Participation in the "YouTube Partner Program" (YPP *Details: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/72851) is required for this application. Have you completed your participation in YPP?*Required

  • 株式会社KADOKAWAがマルチチャンネルネットワーク(MCN※詳細:https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2737059?hl=ja)として提供する「クリエイターサポートプログラム」の利用契約、および発生したYouTube収益からサービス利用料をお支払いいただく必要がございます。
  • 別途条件合意のうえで、同社を通して権利者への著作物利用料のお支払いが必要になる場合がございます。

Please read the following notes when using the "Creator Support Program".*Required
  • You will need to sign up for the "Creator Support Program" offered by KADOKAWA, Inc. as a multi-channel network (MCN *Details: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2737059), and pay a service fee from the YouTube revenue generated.
  • Payment of a fee for the use of copyrighted works to the rights holder through the company may be required upon separate agreement of terms and conditions.

Please read and agree to our privacy policy (https://group.kadokawa.co.jp/global/privacy_policy/)before submitting your information. We will use your personal information for the purpose of investigating and confirming the details of your report.*Required

上記のご入力の内容でよろしければ、[内容のご確認]ボタンを押してください。If you fill in all the information, please click the "Submit & confirm" button.